Wednesday, December 23, 2009

To prepare the prostate cancer with coffee


The prostate cancer is to the men what the breast cancer is to the women. His appearance is much more probable in the masculine sex, and it is necessary that the life style concentrates on healthy habits that serve to prepare it.

Between the substances that we consume every day, the coffee is one of the most habitual in breakfasts and snacks, and in addition to being a good accompanist it has demonstrated in several occasions his benefits for the health. These benefits of the coffee extend his action bogey after a recent study realized by the Medical School of the University of Harvard, which there is demostado that the coffee prepares the prostate cancer.

The investigation has run in hands of Kathryn Wilson, who has studied for twenty years the habits of 50000 men as regards his coffee consumption, to find a risk of cancer of much minor prostate in individuals who were usually consuming coffee as regards those that they were not consuming.

(I resided …)

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