Thursday, November 5, 2009

To slim with Tai-Chi


Who said that only one slims in the gymnasium? If what you search is to extract of above these kilos of more, it costs to say that there are several strategies for it, and from the oriental philosophy the answers abound. One of them is the Thai chi, practice that is carried out by diverse intentions, and to slim is in the list.

Since we know, the Thai chi implies movement and activity. The organism moves at constant speed working joints, stretching and obtaining a global balance of all the parts of the body. All this does that we burn calories, and therefore we can exploit the practice to slim.

The movements contrast with those that you realize in the gymnasium, skylight, but not the whole world is qualified to scroll at big speeds or to do bicycle and to burn calories. Some of them, for questions of age or physical impossibility, perhaps prefer a softer and relaxed practice that also helps them to lose weight, and the Thai chi is the answer.

(I resided …)

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