Sunday, November 8, 2009

Properties of the Wild Rosebush


This small shrub is easily recognizable for his two or three pairs of hojillas, but more than anything for his showy red ones. The same ones can go out so much white, roses, red or yellow, and the shrub usually grows in the slightly wooded hillsides or in hedges or steep banks.

The properties of the wild rosebush owe to the high place contained in tannins of this plant (up to 3 %). The Gallic acid, the flavonoides, the vitamin A and the carotenoides also are present in this plant, but they are the first ones those who award the potential antidiarreico that we are interested in today.

The wild rosebush correctly prepared allows to fight the diarrheas acting like astringent and antidiarreico. His flowers possess one to drive laxative and tonic, and in cases to endure this problem in the intestines, his consumption is well-taken. To this potential he must be added by the potential diuretic of the plant, which turns it into an important detoxification way.

(I resided …)

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