Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Properties of the Green Anise

The green anise is a plant also known by the names of sweet grass, anise or anise. The same one is original of the regions of the Middle East, spreading towards the most warm regions of the Mediterranean, to the point of which Spain is one of the biggest world producers of the plant.

The medicine herbalist exploits the benefits of the green anise across your fruits, since the rest of the plant possesses an extract capable of producing side effects in the organism. The fruits of the green anise produce numerous benefits for the health, which we enumerate next.

These have a magnificent digestive action, and de facto the green anise is one of the most effective medicinal plants as for the carminative action, aperitiva and tonificante. Your digestive properties are translated in a cleanliness of the intestines and of the stomach.

(I resided …)

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