Saturday, November 7, 2009

Chrysanthemum to fight the cancer


Neither daisy nor nothing similar. In fact, in addition to yellow the chrysanthemum is a plant that presents flowers of other colorations in addition to this one, and it even looks alike very little to the daisies. The most beautiful since it is, the chrysanthemum is a plant that contains numerous properties for the health, and in this occasion the science gives him the guarantee emphasizing his potential to fight the cancer.

Publishing his study in World Journal of Gastroenterology, a team of Chinese investigators of the University of Xían Jiaotong they have used chrysanthemum extracts to apply in experiments with animals and human beings. The target of it was to know his medicinal effect inside the frames of the science, before what the properties of the chrysanthemum made be evident.

The tests demonstrated that the chrysanthemum acts eliminating the bacteria of the organism, reducing the inflammation and promoting the activity of the immune system. The most interesting thing of everything his activity was to induce the death of carcinogenic cells without damaging the healthy cells, turning it into an ideal natural option to fight the cancer.

(I resided …)

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