Monday, January 18, 2010

Dry fruits to prepare illnesses


In epochs of holidays the dry fruits are a common place in several food. Puddings, bread sweets or the fruits for the fruits themselves are an authentic delight of which almost nobody is deprived, and that in addition to having an exquisite flavor they suppose a benefits quantity for the health.

Although during his making process the dry fruits lose many of his properties in the original state, the same ones are a very healthy agent of which extracting profit. Arguments in favor of it have handled a group of investigators, who have associated them with the prevention of diabetes and of cardiovascular diseases.

Investigators of the University Rovira i Virgili of Tarragona offered to them to a group of volunteers different rations of dry fruits during certain time, earlier, during and after which also they measured different parameters of his health to see if the ingestion of this food supposed some change in his organisms.

(I resided …)

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