Saturday, October 24, 2009

Properties of the Purslane


It is easier to recognize between the purslane for your sheets than for your flowers. It is processed as a very common grass that scatters for the soil with your branches. The flowers are yellow and they happen unnoticed, and your fruit is dry. It blooms at the end of spring and has some medicinal uses that we annotate next.

The most common medicinal use of the purslane is as natural laxative. The presence of mucilage in the plant awards the laxative potential and purgative, since along the digestive tract it drags substances harmful to the organism. Nevertheless, so that the mucilage of the purslane acts as laxative it is necessary that it is consumed by important water quantities.

In addition to be using like plant laxativa, to the purslane the uses assume to him as diuretic, demulcente, hipoglucemiante and antihelmíntico. Nevertheless, the most consistent benefit of the plant is your potential as natural laxative.

(I resided …)

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