Sunday, March 7, 2010

Properties of the plant Passion-flower


The Passion-flower is a plant in the shape of creeper that grows of abundant form in all kinds of mounts, although also he usually take as a plant of garden due to the beauty of his flowers.

The plant is used for different situations, and by it the properties of the plant passion-flower are changed on having been used from the same root up to his fruit.

First of all like decorative plant it is possible to find it in many gardens since his flowers are quite attractive and it gives a change of ambience for the environment where they are; from there as for his fruit, there are those who it eat both crude oil and stew due to his sweet flavor. It is said that if he eats up in excess to the fruit of the Passion-flower the person can go so far as to get drunk, reason for which the use must be moderate.

(I resided …)

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