Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Soy sauce: A powerful source of antirust


The antirust ones constitute one of the nutritional benefits that we must not ignore as regards a healthy feeding. They are they those who contribute a shield before the oxidation of the cells, and as it they have a big potential to prepare illnesses of an enormous nature: from cancer up to circulatory problems.

The sources of antirust are dispersed everywhere, and it is enough to see little our blog to know them. Between them we find the red wine of good quality, the bilberries, the acai berry or some citrus fruits with many vitamin C. The soy sauce for his part, fights to be between the antirust most important.

According to an investigation realized by the National University of Singapore the soy sauce has the highest antirust potential, and for it they recommend to flavor our salads with her, at least two or three times per week.

(I resided …)

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