Sunday, December 20, 2009

Properties of the pomegranate tree


The grenades are an exquisite fruit that is valued by his medicinal properties from very ancient times. The ancient Egyptians and the civilization grecorromana already knew them and were promoting his use. The legacy has come until our days, when also there are known the medicinal properties of the tree that gives birth to them.

It is a question of the pomegranate tree, which crust and root also have one to drive medicinally that is made use by the popular medicine. One of the remedies most used with the crust and the root of the pomegranate tree is the antiparasitic one, which makes possible that our organism expels the worms that parasitan in our intestines. Let's go some steps further away to know some other properties of the pomegranate tree.

The gingivitis (inflammation of the gums) or other dental illnesses as the periodontitis or parodontosis they can talk each other with the pomegranate tree. There is applied for this an infusion that is used like mouth rinsing.

(I resided …)

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