Thursday, November 5, 2009

Properties of the fennel


Very well, it costs to recognize that the fennel is not of the tastiest natural food. As it happens with the radicha, your flavor is somewhat bitter of more, and by it it is usually viewed out of the corner of the eye and with discredit. Nevertheless, merged in a good salad we can make use directly of the properties of the fennel.

This implies for example that we can help to our digestive system to work of good way. The same way, the mechanism across which we obtain it is not across your consumption, but chewing your seeds. To chew fennel seeds helps to the digestion and to eliminate the bad breath.

Also, the fennel treats the diarrhea, and if fresh fennel extract is consumed it is possible to eliminate the bacteria and gérmenes of our digestive tract. Two times per day for one week it is a sufficient frequency as to make use of your benefits in this sense.

(I resided …)

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