Monday, November 30, 2009

It loses weight eating cheese


Jojojo, I am of graceful today, but only with the title, since what comes next goes very seriously. The benefits of the cheese are known, and equivalent to those of any other dairy product. Nevertheless, the cheese consumption on a global scale comes in ascent, and in it not only the exquisite flavor of his varieties intervenes, but also the fact that his benefits do the difference.

The cheese is a food of big nutritional value, and between his properties we emphasize the fact that improves the bony and dental health, he prepares the hypertension and heart attacks, it strengthens the liver, it stimulates the formation of the blood and the nutrients absorption, etc. Also, it is rich in zinc, phosphorus, calcium and vitamins of the group B.

In this case we emphasize the potential of the cheese to grow thin, since a group of investigators of the University of Technology Curtin in Australia has investigated the components of the cheese, coming to the conclusion that this food can help to slim.

(I resided …)

Acupresión essentials


We speak very much of acupresión, and know that it is the skill across which we can experience well-being so much physically and emotionally by means of the stimulation of certain points of our body. The points are distributed along the human body, and are basically the same ones that those that the acupuncture uses to work.

All that of course realize it moderately well. But what is there of the rest? What is the acupresión? We offer a very brief but very clear post regarding the acupresión essentials so that you realize well of what this therapy talks each other and how it works.

To practise this skill we need only our fingers of the hands, since the acupresión does not work with needles. This the difference of the acupuncture, and it is an advantage for those who are afraid of the pricks and the pain of the needles (that in fact these are so thin that they do not even produce inconveniences).

(I resided …)

Uses of the bilberry


The bilberry is a fruit, very rich that it has become fashionable. Everything takes bilberries, presently. It is a very common ingredient in pastries, cakes and jams. His active components are the antirust ones called antocianinas.

The bilberry is much used in the ocular illnesses and to strengthen the blood glasses. During the Second World war, the pilots of British Royal Air Force thought that to eat bilberry jam immediately before a mission, was improving his night vision. It led the investigators to studying the fruit and analyzing his properties.

The bilberry also uses for the glaucoma, the degeneration to blacken, the diabetic retinopatía and the cataracts. The content of antocianinas of this fruit, it can reinforce the walls of the blood glasses, reduce the inflammation and stabilize the textiles that contain collagen (like the cartilage, the sinews and the ligaments).

(I resided …)

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Medicine Ortomolecular: vitamin B3, B4, B5 and B6


Not long ago we begin to speak about the “Medicine Ortomelcular”. Of course they read the article. This alternative to the medicine, consists of providing a correct nutrition to the organism, to achieve an ideal concentration of the substances, presents in the body.

That's why the same, we had begun to speak about these substances – more specially, of the vitamins. As comprising his importance for the health and the risks that them to lack provokes. Today we will go for more of the same. We will speak about the vitamin B3, B4, B5 and B6.

(I resided …)

The meditation reduces the pain

meditation pain

To reduce the pain is something that can be faced from several perspectives. It has been proved that the acupuncture allows to reduce the pain, that the hypnosis, the turmeric, the arthritis and the yoga also can help you to reduce it. If nothing of this is sufficient, it insults. The same way, my advice is that you ponder.

The same advice is offered by investigators of the UNC Charlotte, who have come to the conclusion that the meditation is capable of helping to reduce and control the pain.

Publishing in The Journal of Pain, the investigators comment on his investigation in which they demonstrate that a simple meditation and without too much training it can play a very important role in the reduction and control of the pain in patients.

(I resided …)

The yoga improves the cardiac pulse


In terms of improving the activity of the circulatory system, any physical exercise is capable of obtaining it in good form. The putting in movement of the organism acts favoring the blood circulation and regulating the rest of the functions of those that the cardiovascular system entrusts itself.

A good indicator to measure if the cardiovascular system of an individual is working well is the changeability of the cardiac frequency, he codes that it shows the regulation of the cardiac activity of the individual. This sign of good health has been observed in a study recently in yoga practitioners, and today we comment on the results of the above mentioned investigation.

The same one was led by Ramesh Kumar Sunkaria, Vinod Kumar and Suresh Chandra Saxena of the Indian Institute of Technology in Roorkee, who observed the changeability of the cardiac frequency in practitioners of yoga and in not practitioners, to see if between them some difference existed.

(I resided …)

Saturday, November 28, 2009

Benefits of the Talasoterapia: Water, mud and seaweed

benefits of the talasoterapia

One of the therapies that are fashionable is the talasoterapia. This alternative therapy is used so much like treatment of beauty and therapy to improve the health, like a treatment to relax and to enjoy a better mental health. The properties of the talasoterapia are multiple, and today we propose a collision nearer to her.

The benefits of the talasoterapia have been emphasized in several occasions in our blog, and between them we find his potential to improve the respiratory system and the locomotive device, his potential like treatment of beauty, his aptitude to improve the blood circulation between others. Let's happen then to speak about the benefits of the talasoterapia, but not lonely, but of his form of application.

First of all, a lot of properties of the talasoterapia owe to the sea water in herself. On having used sea water, this alternative therapy makes use of the benefits of the marine salt, his high place contained in minerals and the temperature of the same one. This water is warmed between 31st and 35th, temperature that promotes gesticulating of these elements and makes possible that they enter to our body on having opened the pores of the skin.

(I resided …)

The linen reduces the cholesterol

The properties of the linen have been verified extensively in more than one occasion, and to this plant one collaborates to drive differential of the diabetes, of the symptoms of the menopause or of the blood high pressure, and it is considered to be a very beneficial integral food.

We emphasize a new benefit of the linen to be born in mind, this time related to the cholesterol, extremely common illness to today, and whose declarations take place in persons of all the ages.

Investigators of several institutions have published a review of 28 articles in American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, after what they have concluded that the linen is an active agent against the cholesterol. Of 1500 persons who took part in the whole of the checked studies, many experienced a descent in his levels of bad cholesterol and a stability in his good cholesterol.

(I resided …)

Medicine Ortomolecular: vitamin B1 and B2


Do they remember that not long ago we speak about the “Medicine Ortomelcular”? I assume that they read the article and they already know of what it is a question. That's why I do not have to tell them anything.

They already know that the concept was invented by the doctor Linus Pauling (twice winner of the Nobel Prize) and that this alternative medicine consists of providing a correct complementary nutrition, to achieve an ideal concentration of the present substances in the human organism.

They already know everything … that's why I cannot repeat myself. Today I will speak about another thing. I will speak about these substances that provide a good nutritional balance and hence health. I will speak about the vitamins, the minerals, the proteins, the amino acids and the greasy acids. At least I will begin to do it.

(I resided …)

Friday, November 27, 2009

Beauty tricks with honey


The home-made beauty tricks are a frequent consultation in our blog, and to answer it partly we resort to a natural reagent that offers equally health and beauty: the honey. Exquisite delicacy, the honey contains also a heap of secrets of natural beauty, and today we will try to share some of them.

This sweet opens the doors to any woman who thinks about how to feel beautiful, and to invite them to enter to his world, we offer today three councils of beauty from the honey, simple but effective, and if it was not small: bargain sales.

The first one consists of a natural bath with honey, which will reverberate on the health of the skin of the whole body. To obtain this soft skin it is enough to add one or two honey spoonfuls to your tub, and to use a vegetable sponge for exfoliarte. Then he adds four whole milk spoonfuls to feel as Cleopatra.

(I resided …)

To rejuvenate with Ayurveda


At present the industry spends million and million of dollars in research and development of creams and lotions for the skin. These treatments to rejuvenate the skin are common, but effective not all of them, and many of them are quite expensive for your pocket. Behind the veil of the prejudice to the alternative medicine, one hides a very effective complementary solution: the ayurveda.

Nowadays the quantity of toxins that exist in our ambience, added to those that you consume without knowing it (or knowing it) they can mean an important damage for your skin. The years are evident by means of the skin, and to keep her young and firm it is not necessary that you wear out 500 euros per month.

The ayurveda is a medicinal system that makes it easier to you, and across a few skills to you allow to rejuvenate the skin of lasting and healthy form. One of the ways to obtain it is across the feeding, and by means of the consumption of fruits and vegetables you will eliminate many of the toxins that hurt you.

(I resided …)

Skill of Emotional Liberation

happy woman

When our mental health does not work completely well, the first thing that we must wonder is if we are allowing our energy to flow appropriately along our organism. If that does not happen, we will feel negative, exhausted, bad-tempered and with few initiative to begin our days.

From the alternative medicine (especially in his oriental counterfoil) a multitude of solutions is offered on this matter. Based on the fundamental beginning of the Chinese medicine, the Skill of Liberaciń Emocional is a tool that it is worth while bearing in mind in these situations, this way to favor our energy flow and consequently to encourage the emotional well-being.

This technical capture as base the beginning developed by the acupuncture and the acupresión, since it works with the meridians of our organism to favor the energy flow along our body. Nevertheless, the difference is that instead of working with pressure, the Skill of Emotional Liberation works with hammerings and percussion on them.

(I resided …)

Thursday, November 26, 2009

To fight nasal polyps


The nasal polyps are inflammations of the internal mucous membrane of the nose, which generally happen in the top part of the interior of the nose. His appearance can owe to the presence of illnesses like the asthma or to allergies, and when they appear it is necessary to treat them.

The presence of polyps in the nose presents itself as a quite annoying condition, which obstructs the airways and turns very sensitively the internal mucous membrane of the nose. If you have this problem, next we offer to you some advices to fight nasal polyps naturally and to prepare his reappearance.

The home-made remedies for the nasal polyps do not exist in strict sense, and to prepare them and to fight them you must continue some recommendations. Stay removed from the alérgenos and irritants who cause inflammation of the airways.

(I resided …)

How did the air yoga arise?


Not long ago we speak about the air yoga. Nevertheless, we do not raise a well fascinating topic: how does it arise? Well, this is exactly what we will do now.

The air Yoga is a change - with swings - of Samadhi Yoga and it was designed by Lizelle Arzuaga (director of Samadhi Yoga Institute) and other collaborating teachers.

According to yoga it airs, the idea of Lizelle was to look for alternatives to work the yoga therapy, with end of which everybody benefits from the spinal haulage, the virtues of the investments. With the air Yoga, we all can play and laugh more.

(I resided …)

Wednesday, November 25, 2009

What is the Medicine Ortomolecular?


Some time ago I have listening to this concept: "Medicine Ortomelcular”. Nevertheless, I did not have idea of his meaning up to today, when I proposed develar the mystery to myself. Now when already what is, I want to share it with you.

The concept of the Medicine Ortomolecular was created by the doctor Linus Pauling, professor of Stanford's University and twice winner of the Nobel Prize. This alternative medicine consists of providing to every person an ideal concentration of the present substances in the human organism, in order to correct the alterations and to support the health.

According to the medicine ortomolecular, the tension damages the health. It impels the man to the harmful state that damages the cells. Nevertheless, if a good nutrition is provided, this damage can be repaired.

(I resided …)

Properties of the yellow tea

The benefits of the tea are multiple, and these change according to the type of tea about which we are speaking. Although in general they share his digestive properties and his antirust components, the different types of tea have different properties. In this case we concentrate on the properties of the yellow tea.

The yellow tea is a product that is obtained from the tea tree, and it has his origin in China. His prosecution is between way of the white tea and the green tea, since it is obtained by a brief process of fermentation braked with dry heat. This determines the color and the texture of the yellow tea.

The properties of the yellow tea are multiple, and as in other teas we find his digestive properties, his properties diuréticas and his antirust components, which have a protective action of the cells that his degeneration and his attack prevents for illnesses like the cancer.

(I resided …)

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Can the greasy food make you more dumb?


We all know that to eat badly, damages the health. To consume many greasy food reverberates in the general well-being. It is enough to do it, to perceive it.

Now then: is it possible that also it affects the cognitive capacity? One would think that not. Nevertheless … a study shows the opposite.
A new investigation realized in the Oxford University and financed by the British Foundation of the Heart, has discovered that a high diet in fats not only reduces the physical capacities, but also the mental aptitudes.

(I resided …)

What is the Air Yoga?

According to yoga it airs, this discipline might be defined of the following form: yoga without gravity. It is a question of an entertaining and inspiring practice. It allows to focus the attention in the balance between the effort and the weariness. It stimulates the force not to give up.

The air yoga uses the force of the gravity to challenge the practitioner and to strengthen it. Simultaneously that impels it to surrender to the relaxation.

This method incorporates the yoga air, the physical conditioning, the therapeutic spinal haulage, the skills of gymnastics, circus and art. It is a discipline more that it completes.

(I resided …)

Monday, November 23, 2009

Green tea and the prevention of the cancer of mouth

Mouth cancer is the term across which the cancer development is designated in any of the sectors of the mouth. The mouth cancer usually appears in the lips and in the language, but also his appearance can happen in the internal part of the cheeks, the palate or the gums.

Before the appearance of the first symptoms the consultation to the oncologist is essential, but the alternative medicine is investigating on this matter to contribute possible solutions to the treatment of cancer of mouth. With this end Dr. Vassiliki Papadimitrakopoulo it realized an essay with 41 patients to know the effects of the green tea on the cancer of mouth.

The investigators verified that of the individuals who consumed green tea for mouth route, 59 % showed a clinical answer to the treatment, compared to 18 % of the others, which consumed a placebo.

(I resided …)

Benefits of the cuencoterapia


It does very little we speak about the cuencoterapia and today we will keep on speaking. The ancient ones knew that everything in the universe was vibrating. Pitágoras for example, he was affirming that every body and every atom produce a particular sound caused by the movement, the rhythm and the vibration.

With a soft blow in a bowl, there is obtained a sound similar to that of a bell. Rubbing the rim of the bowl of circular form a therapeutic vibration is generated, this vibration reverberates in the spine, and acts like resonance vehicle, spreading across the nervous system, the cells, the textiles and the organs.

But: what are the benefits of this alternative therapy? As cosasdebelleza are the following ones:

(I resided …)

Thicket: an option against the cancer


The Thicket was stopping to be a good natural option against the cancer, as naturalnews. It is a question of a herb of big scope, which grows in the desert regions of the south-west of the United States (between other places).

Nevertheless, the thicket is not good only against the cancer. Also it is used by his strong antibacterial and antiviral power. For all this, this grass has been used from much by the natives.

The thicket has a called ingredient not - dihihydroguairetic (ANDG), a very powerful antitumoral agent. The ANDG inhibits the aerobic glucólisis and anaeróbica (the production capacity of energy) of the cancerous cells.

(I resided …)

Sunday, November 22, 2009

Lychee to lose weight

Do you know the lychee? It is a question of an Asian tropical tree, which one is a native of the south of small stone. This tree produces tropical fruits to which some medicinal properties have been assigned to them, and the same ones can be acquired in Europe and America in the shape of extract (the Oligonol is one of them).

Recently, a group of Japanese investigators of the University Hokkaido and other companies, who the Journal of Functional Foods have published in an investigation that has emphasized the potential of the lychee to reduce the abdominal fat.

At her the investigators were employed with 18 voluntary adults with waists of approximately 85 centimeters. Divided in two groups, a placebo was assigned to some, while lychee extract one gave them to the others to verify his effects.

(I resided …)

Yoga eliminates the backache with hatha


Although it is a relatively common ailment, the pain in the low part of the back is a problem very difficult to treat. The numbers as regards his frequency are growing, and to it he does not contribute that the three biggest causes of his appearance are three basic negative elements of the today life: the sedentarismo, the bad position and the stress.

The treatment to treat this type of backache includes the capture of medications qualified by the conventional medicine. His results are sometimes negative and sometimes positive, depending to a great extent on the life style that the patient takes.

From the School of Medicine of the University of Boston and of the Boston Medical Center a group of investigators has decided to compare the conventional treatment to fight the backache with a treatment of hatha yoga, in an experiment that it involved adult persons in a treatment of 12 weeks.

(I resided …)

Mind - body for the fatigue of the cancer


According to altmedicine.about, a new investigation demonstrates that the programs of exercise mind - body can relieve the pains of the fatigue provoked by the struggle against the cancer.

Generally, the chemotherapy has side effects. Between them the fatigue. And that can do that the cancer patients are more inclined to the depression.

For the study, the investigators centred on 269 patients with cancer (from 20 to 65 years) submitted to chemotherapy or advanced treatments.

For six weeks, the members of the study joined a program of exercises that were including three weekly meetings of training of high intensity and meetings of sensitization (like stretching, deep respiration and Pilates).

(I resided …)

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The cuencoterapia


The cuencoterapia is an alternative therapy, like many others. It forms one more of looking for the balance between the body, the mind and the spirit. This therapy was used thousands of years ago in the oriental cultures, with therapeutic ends and of meditation. And presently it has been recaptured, exactly for the same.

The cuencoterapia uses bowls to realize a sonorous massage. There are two types of bowls: those of quartz (realized in quartz crystal) and the Tibetan ones (realized in with an alloy of several metals).

The basic beginning of this therapy, is that the bowls express a wave model equal alpha to the wave expressed by the brain in the state of meditation and deep calmness. When we are in this state, the lymphocytes production increases T (responsible for the immune system). Presently, it has been proved - for the resonance beginning - that these frequencies can be altered by the transmission of other frequencies. That's why the sound is a therapeutic process.

(I resided …)

The garlic and the cardiovascular health


What to say with regard to the benefits of the garlic? The garlic is a vegetable to which so much properties have collaborated him that his use is almost forced. To increase the list of properties of the garlic, we contribute the results of a new study that it took as subject to this food, and like target the cardiovascular health.

A group of investigators of the University of Connecticut has realized a study with the garlic to verify his cardiovascular benefits. For it they experimented with rats, inducing them to a heart attack and realizing then a pursuit of his recovery.

The investigators fed with processed garlic and with fresh garlic to the rodents, this way to observe how this one was affecting on his recovery. The effects were much more well-known in the rats fed on fresh garlic.

(I resided …)

Acupresión for the treatment of the diabetes


Recientemene we were referring to the therapy your Jok like alternative to the acupuncture, being a therapy that shares many essentials with the acupresión. To continue in the line, we emphasize today a study realized as regards the acupresión, therapy that can turn out to be useful in cases of diabetes.

Since we know - and as revision - the acupresión is a therapy that works with the points of the acupuncture, only that doing without the use of needles, substituting the same ones for the pressure application on them.

In the investigation, with diabetes type 2 was assigned to 64 persons a program of diet and exercises designed to control the hypertension and the hyperglycemia. Nevertheless, to a portion of the whole four became participants of meetings of 90 minutes of acupresión to six times per week.

(I resided …)

Friday, November 20, 2009

The magnetic therapy does not eliminate the pain of the arthritis


The magnetic therapy cannot conquer the pain caused by the arthritis. This way it titles altmedicine one of his articles. And the fact is that it does a recent study he has verified it: to use a magnetic bracelet does not remove the pain.

The magnetic bracelets are one of the forms in which the magnetic therapy is applied. This is a variant of the alternative medicine, based on the following theory: the magnetic fields can promote the healing when they are administered of direct form in the body.

For this study, the investigators recruited 45 persons (of 50 or more years) that were suffering osteoartritis. For 16 weeks every participant took four devices in random form: two wristbands at different level of magnetism, a thong of doll desmagnetizarte, and a copper bracelet.

(I resided …)

The cuentoterapia … stories thing


Do they know what is the cuentoterapia? I did not know up to today. But how now I know, I tell them: the cuentoterapia is a discipline that joins several branches of the knowledge, to teach the potential sanador of the stories. This way he says it enfermeriademurcia, and this way I believe it.

This discipline offers resources to intervene in the psychic processes. The stories are a legacy of the unconscious group, which new perspectives contribute for the realization. In the cuentoterapia, the stories are used of therapeutic form and sanadora.

In the cuentoterapia workshops it usually resort to several stories, to analyze them, to disarm them and to know how they work. It is necessary to acquire this technical and artistic knowledge.

(I resided …)

You green, pneumonia and cancer of liver


The mountain of benefits of the green tea keeps on growing. Now the information comes from Japan, where several studies have added properties to this beneficial infusion, associated with such problems of gravity like the cancer of liver or the pneumonia.

One of them has been the taken one to end by Toru Naganuma of the School of Medicine of the University of Tohoku, who demonstrated that to drink approximately five cups of green tea per day can reduce the risk of several cancers even in 42 %, with information that are applied both to men and to women and to persons with different weight.

From the same university, another group of investigators also studied the properties of the green tea associated with the cancer. Published in the magazine Cancer Cause and Control, the study demonstrated that the consumption of green tea was associated inversely with the risk of developing liver cancer. The study demonstrated that the more green tea was consumed, the minor age the risk of enduring this cancer.

(I resided …)

Thursday, November 19, 2009

Therapy your Jok: Simplified acupuncture


One of the biggest fears before the acupuncture treatment is the application of the famous needles of those that the therapy costs itself to generate benefits in the patients. Nevertheless, this is more myth than reality, since the needles are the thinnest and penetrate the skin only superficially, doing that the patient does not experience almost any sensation.

Nevertheless, if you still believe that the acupuncture in itself is not yours, but you preserve the confidence in his system of sanación across the stimulation of the points of the organism, the Korean therapy your Jok can be a very interesting alternative to consider.

This alternative therapy is of recent origin, and there was developed by the teacher south - Korean Park Jae Woo, who is recognized for having been the founder of the meditation of the smile, between other alternative therapies your Jok, also of his responsibility, it does without needles, but it preserves the meridians system.

(I resided …)

Biofeedback: When and how does it work?


The Biofeedback we know also under the name of Biofeedback, and although it should be difficult to pronounce, the therapy has gaining popularity from the sixties. His basic budgets we have already commented on them in some occasion, but let's go deep a little into them, emphasizing the properties of the Biofeedback and his most common applications.

Basically the Biofeedback is an alternative therapy that consists of learning to control the vital impulses that our organism realizes of unconscious form. These are the respiration, the blood pressure or beating of the heart, and to do this treatment it uses of electronic devices that facilitate the task.

Being a relatively new field, the applications of the Biofeedback are multiple, and the therapy allows to treat an illnesses sinnúmero. We share next a list of illnesses that can talk each other with this discipline, then to realize some comments more on this matter.

(I resided …)

Properties of the Harpagofito


Known also like Claw of the Devil, the harpagofito is an anti-inflammatory native of a notable efficacy. The properties of the harpagofito are multiple, and not only they act at anti-inflammatory level. The benefits of this plant are different, and next we do their summary.

This plant is original of the south of Africa, and the popular medicine uses of her the secondary roots, which have a typical bitter flavor. The properties of the harpagofito are known long ago, and the plant allows a both external and internal use.

The claw of the devil has anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antirheumatic properties, and acts of effective form in cases of muscular and bony pains. Osteoartritis, rheumatism, tendinitis and a lumbago there are all problems in which the application of the plant stands out.

(I resided …)

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Five vayus that we breathe


The respiration is vital for the human being. While an individual consumes every day two kilos of meal and two liters of drink, it consumes simultaneously 5750 liters of air during the whole day. In fact, it is possible to live some days without eating do not even do not even to drink, but without breathing only it is possible to live through some minutes.

For the Hindu philosophy, the respiration is a channel across which we acquire positive energy. The prana, the primary or vital energy, is the sum of all the existing energies in the universe, and the air is the channel of transport of the same one.

We can only acquire the prana across the respiration, and according to the hinduísmo this one is transmitted of diverse forms. To understand how the prana acts on our organism, the yoguís categorized the activity of the prana in five vayus. The vayus are located in different parts of our body and do that the prana acts of different forms on our organism.

(I resided …)

Properties of the golden Pole


Still do not wake up your greed instincts, since we will not speak about golden objects. Golden pole is the only one of the names that they give him to the solidago, grass of the Jews, tea of gredos or pole of san josé, a plant of rigid stem surrounded with yellow flowers in dense bunches, responsible for that the name of golden pole has been granted him.

This plant grows originally in Europe, although it has been adapted to the American continent. Her part that is used by medicinal intentions are his flowery tops, and next we tell you some details on the properties of the golden pole.

It is a question of a very efficient natural diuretic, which with his continued use favors not only the elimination of liquids, but the correct functioning of the kidneys. For persons with liquids retention, nephritis, nefrosis or kidney stones, is ideal.

(I resided …)

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

7 food that you do not eat, but you should eat


Most of us we have a culinary routine: we always eat the same. Now well … if this routine is not healthy, it is necessary to break it and to incorporate more nourishing food.

Msn recommends to us seven food that generally we do not include in our diet, but that we should do it. 7 food that him would reach port very much to our health.

(I resided …)

It eliminates the depression illuminating you

The light is the life, and in fact no living organism can exist without light. Only in the presence of light the plants realize the photosynthesis and the human body can synthesize the vitamin D. Some of them take this budget to the end, but it is undeniable that the light is a life source.

In fact, there are different the problems that can talk each other with this light therapy, between them and heading the list the depression is, especially that one that appears in the cloudy days or in winter itself, when to the sun the clouds cover it and the rain darkens everything.

Exhibiting us to the light we can recover the energy that we need, and it you can do it using specializing lamps directed to the treatment of this therapy. This one is recommended to be carried out in the morning during a few minutes, but the entire exhibition of light in an entire day must reach six hours.

(I resided …)

Friday, November 13, 2009

7 food that you do not eat, but you should eat.


Most of us we have a culinary routine: we always eat the same. Now well … if this routine is not healthy, it is necessary to break it and to incorporate more nourishing food.

Msn recommends to us seven food that generally we do not include in our diet, but that we should do it. 7 food that him would reach port very much to our health.

(I resided …)

Presentation of the mushroom Reishi


Not long ago we speak about the properties of the mushroom Reishi and they all were very good. Hence, it is time to inform us how to buy them. Do they know what is the form of presentation of this mushroom?

Well, all right … as they count in enbuenasmanos, generally it is commercialized in the shape of capsules or tablets and it usually find in herbalists, drugstores and houses of naturopathy.

The dose depends on every presentation and concentration. They must look at that at it in the brochure of the product. The doctor or specialist will inform them about the suitable dose and the instructions for use that they must adopt.

(I resided …)

Thursday, November 12, 2009

10 rules to eat well


The first care of the health that we must do, begins for the kitchen. It it is necessary to take care that we eat. This is the best alternative therapy of all: a healthy diet.

According to msn, there are 10 basic rules to eat well. 10 basic rules that we have to know to do of our healthy diet. If one day you wondered what the secret is to eat I recover, he keeps on reading this article. There are 10 secrets and we all are going to reveal them to you.

1. Use smaller plates.

If you are trying to support or lose weight, one of the best things that can do is to reduce the size of your china. The small plates do that the people eat less. This way of simple.

(I resided …)

It protects to your cardiovascular system with green tea


A little more on the green tea. With benefits associated with almost all the parts of our organism, the green tea it adds still more points thanks to a group of Japanese investigators, who have confirmed that the green tea has important cardiovascular benefits.

And since we speak about Japanese scientists, we go to Japan, specifically to Shizuoka, where this team of the University Okayama directed by Etsuji Suzuki was studied by them to 12251 persons throughout six years, looking for interrelations between his cardiovascular health, his life expectancy and his consumption of green tea.

The mortality was promoting 62 ‰ in these years for the individuals who were not consuming green tea, but it was coming down to 14.4 ‰ if the individuals were consuming seven cups or more of you green per day. For his part, the cardiovascular health, the risk of enduring cardiovascular problems decreased 76 % in consumers of the infusion.

(I resided …)

Visualization for the stomachache


In several occasions we have had the opportunity to comment on some of the benefits of the visualization. Without going further, recently a new study highlighted it like a useful tool to grow thin; now we happen to speak about infantile health, specifically on the stomachache in children.

The visualization is a simple skill that consists of imagining only to one himself in a situation of peace and relaxation, and it is an alternative skill within reach of all. In case of the children, the visualization can be an effective solution if they endure stomachaches, as he has emphasized a new investigation.

The study worked with 34 children of between six and fifteen years of age, all diagnosed with functional abdominal pain, which does not assume to specific and concrete causes. For eight weeks some of them took part in a visualization treatment, while the rest continued the proper treatment of the conventional medicine.

(I resided …)

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

More exercises of facial yoga


In OtraMedicina we have learned a few exercises of facial yoga and today we will learn some more. Because the truth, it is worth while. The facial yoga comes super good to all. It helps us to relax and strengthen the face, smooth the facial features and avoid the premature aging.

The modern life is very rough and that is evident in the face. Very easy glance is someone to the face and to foresee as it has been his day: much, little or not stressful at all. Well, the facial yoga is one of the non-invasive hardware that we can have to the hand to fight with the stress of the best way.

We learned already like beginning a routine (the exercise of warming) and several exercises to relax the eyes, the forehead, the jaw and the neck. Today we will go for more, thanks to the councils of esmas.

(I resided …)

The benefits of the Reishi


The Reishi is a mushroom and a very valued mushroom. Why? Because it has a lot of medicinal properties. Nevertheless, he usually does not eat up very often because it is quite bitter. Now well … in spite of his flavor, it is worth while consuming it. His properties are very attractive and if they do not believe me, read them for yourself:

These are the properties of the mushroom Reishi as enbuenasmanos:

• The mushroom Reishi is usually a very important ingredient in the formulae herbales traditional of small stone. For example, it is present in the formulae for the chronic fatigue and the immune system.

(I resided …)

Yoga exercises for the face


The facial yoga is for all and for all. We all deserve to ourselves to relax the face, to stimulate the muscles of the face and to avoid the premature aging. More if there is such a natural and not invasive way of doing it.

After all, the modern life us estresa enough. We have the long day of work, the economic complications, the activities of the children, and the others. Who tries not to wrinkle before such circumstances?

The best thing that we can do is to live to big through this life, and then, to give us some relaxation escapadita. And the facial yoga is that: a blessing for the face. It will relax your face, will smooth your features and will avoid some marks of the step of the years.

(I resided …)

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Fish oil against the arthritis: How does it work?


The benefits of the omega 3, present greasy acids in the fish oil, are well-known. We know many of them, and in the list there is included the health of the bones, brain, heart and the protection from the cancer, the backache and the problems in the vision. But what is what exists behind these greasy acids?

The omega 3 has been very studied, but there are still not known completely the mechanisms that act materializing his benefits. Specifically investigating the case of the arthritis, a team of investigators of the University Queen Mary of London has managed to determine the causes of it.

Seemingly what makes 3 the omega when it deposits our organism is to turn in resolvin D2. The omega 3 is got by our organism, and one of his components is turned in resolvin D2, chemist who acts making to lower the levels of inflammation of our organism.

(I resided …)

Properties of the Grass of San Benito


Do you have problems in your intestines? If these come down to a good Liberating Diarrhea, undoubtedly you need an astringent. For the health of your body and that of your toilet, we recommend to you today a grass that will give you a good hand to fight the diarrhea: the grass of San Benito.

The grass can be recognized as his small and yellow flowering and as his green and toothed sheets. It can grow between 25 and 135 centimeters, and blooms between spring ends and the autumn beginning. It is in this epoch when you must gather the flowers to make use of his benefits.

His most typical property is his astringent action, for which all kinds of diarrheas can fight due to the mucilaginous substances contained in his rhizome. Also, it allows to treat haemorrhoids, chilblains and varicose ulcers. His digestive properties are outstanding also.

(I resided …)

The properties of the chrysanthemum


Not long ago we have spoken about the Chrysanthemum, but we must speak a little more. For example, we must speak about his properties. The chrysanthemum is a very popular plant and enough cultivated in the gardens … quite thanks to his beautiful flower. That is the “national flower” of the Japan and appears in his official shield.

His scientific name is Chrysanthemum americanum L. and it has tonic and exciting properties. One usually uses against the colics in general, the absence of appetite and the digestive disorders.

The active beginning of the Chrysanthemum exercises an effect colerético progressively and constantly that allows the physiological flow of the biliary salt, as well as an effect hepatoprotector that is evident across the progress of the functioning of the enzymes hepatic responsible for the detoxicación for the substances harmful to the organism.

(I resided …)

Monday, November 9, 2009

The meditation and the stress of the doctors


According to a recent study, to practise meditation can serve of helping the doctors to overcome the peaks of stress or weariness. As it counts altmedicine.about, the investigators assembled 70 doctors for the study and submitted them to meetings of 2 hours and a quarter of weekly meditation.

With the course of the program, the doctors showed a significant improvement in his well-being. They reduced the depletion and the alterations of his frame of mind. Also they showed major empathy and good dealing for his patients.

(I resided …)

Exercises of facial yoga


Have you ever practised facial yoga? It is ideal to eliminate the stress and the weariness of the face. Because you know your good, a long day of work leaves his marks in the face and in the long run, the expression lines recienten.

The modern life is replete with long working days and stressful super days … that added to the natural aging begin to be evident with the years. There appear very definite facial features, lines of expression, wrinkles, spots and flaccidity in the face.

That's why we recommend to you the facial yoga, to relax the face, to smooth the features and to avoid the premature aging. A few days ago we comment to you on the best exercise to begin any routine: the warming.

(I resided …)

Sunday, November 8, 2009

It improves your sexual relation with the Tantra


The whole world has sexual bassoons, and simultaneously of course everybody has wondered how to solve them. The sexual problems have an end, and these neither become exhausted in themselves nor are a blind alley. If you feel that you cannot fight them, perhaps it is time to open the door for the oriental knowledge, this time in the shape of Tantra, a knowledge that can help you to improve the sexual relation with your couple.

The Tantra is closely tied to the meditation and to the yoga, and in the world of the Tantra these practices are indisociables. While the yoga helps you to prepare the body to improve the sexual relation with the couple, the meditation helps to harmonize your mind with him, concentrating and allowing you to go for implicit love and the passion in the sex.

In contrast to what he believes popularly, the Tantra is not a philosophy exclusively overturned to the sexual thing. It is, on the contrary, an attitude for with the life in general, which understands that the deficit of passion and of sexual attraction, simultaneously that associate sexual problems (powerlessness, vaginitis, pain, etc.) depend on our attitude for with the life.

(I resided …)

Properties of the Wild Rosebush


This small shrub is easily recognizable for his two or three pairs of hojillas, but more than anything for his showy red ones. The same ones can go out so much white, roses, red or yellow, and the shrub usually grows in the slightly wooded hillsides or in hedges or steep banks.

The properties of the wild rosebush owe to the high place contained in tannins of this plant (up to 3 %). The Gallic acid, the flavonoides, the vitamin A and the carotenoides also are present in this plant, but they are the first ones those who award the potential antidiarreico that we are interested in today.

The wild rosebush correctly prepared allows to fight the diarrheas acting like astringent and antidiarreico. His flowers possess one to drive laxative and tonic, and in cases to endure this problem in the intestines, his consumption is well-taken. To this potential he must be added by the potential diuretic of the plant, which turns it into an important detoxification way.

(I resided …)

The curry can kill the cancer


lately the curry has been an investigation object often due to the properties that have been attributed to him. The curry is known for having components that allow to treat such illnesses like the arthritis or the diabetes, and more recently properties have assumed to him to prepare the Alzheimer's disease. Now the cancer joins to the list.

Yesterday just we were speaking about the acupuncture and about the chrysanthemum to fight the cancer, and we continue monotonous during the week since investigators of the Research center of the Cancer of Cork have discovered that the compounds of the curry allow to fight the gullet cancer, specifically the curcumina.

Doctor Sharon McKenna and his team studied the behavior of carcinogenic cells before gesticulating of the curcumina, observing that once this one was bringing in in action the cells affected by the illness were eliminated themselves, and the immune system began to kill the remaining ones.

(I resided …)

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Acupuncture and the symptoms of the cancer


The effects of the acupuncture against the symptoms of the cancer we have already explored them in some occasion, although not of exhaustive form. I dress the growth of the application of the acupuncture to reduce so much the effects of the illness itself as the effects associated with his treatment, it is worth while making some illustrative comments as regards this treatment.

We know the acupuncture for his application in countless illnesses. We count here the backaches, the migraines, the arthritis, the fibromialgia, the problems of sciatica and even to stop smoking. The acupuncture treatment against the cancer, as we were saying, we know it. Let's go deep into him.

The benefits of the acupuncture against the cancer are evident reducing the negative symptoms associated with the illness. The intensity of the pain of the cancer can diminish significantly if there is applied acupuncture accompanied by the corresponding medication, which for itself often is not completely sufficient.

(I resided …)

Chrysanthemum to fight the cancer


Neither daisy nor nothing similar. In fact, in addition to yellow the chrysanthemum is a plant that presents flowers of other colorations in addition to this one, and it even looks alike very little to the daisies. The most beautiful since it is, the chrysanthemum is a plant that contains numerous properties for the health, and in this occasion the science gives him the guarantee emphasizing his potential to fight the cancer.

Publishing his study in World Journal of Gastroenterology, a team of Chinese investigators of the University of Xían Jiaotong they have used chrysanthemum extracts to apply in experiments with animals and human beings. The target of it was to know his medicinal effect inside the frames of the science, before what the properties of the chrysanthemum made be evident.

The tests demonstrated that the chrysanthemum acts eliminating the bacteria of the organism, reducing the inflammation and promoting the activity of the immune system. The most interesting thing of everything his activity was to induce the death of carcinogenic cells without damaging the healthy cells, turning it into an ideal natural option to fight the cancer.

(I resided …)

Friday, November 6, 2009

Properties of the Mercurial one


Of course never habrás been imagined that you might find something beneficial for your health in the garbage. Very well, the Mercurial one is a grass that comes to change this prejudice, since it is a question of a grass with medicinal applications that grows exactly between the garbage of the man.

This is a plant that blooms during the whole year, and that thanks to his chemical composition her several medicinal benefits can extract to themselves. The plant contains compounds that grant him one to drive purgative, but his consumption must be realized under medical supervision.

It is the hermidina, the tannins, the salt of potassium and the alkaloids of the plant those that grant him one to drive purgative to the same one, and the consumption of the dry plant can act helping to eliminate of efficient form poisonous substances of the organism. Nevertheless, his consumption can transport some side effects.

(I resided …)